Are you a property owner in Bansko? Judging by the site members survey, an active part of the Bansko Blog readership is from Bansko property owners. And you asked me, how do I sell my property?
Read on to see how this question got me thinking. And how renting may be the way forward to sell property - not just in Bansko, but any overseas property.
Why Not Try Before You Buy?
When I was in the market for a new car, a good few years back, I undertook the following process. I looked at the internet, read the specifications, ordered a few glossy brochures.
But I still didn’t do anything.
Then I arranged a test drive of the two types of car I wanted to buy. This was when the real fun came. The Toyota dealer just took my drivers licence and let me go and play on the country roads. Well if I was uncertain then, I was completely convinced now.
It was the Celica for me, and the decision to buy urgently was made.
What Went Right, And What Went Wrong
Now, I was pretty ecstatic and was looking to place my order. I had armed myself with internet prices, imports from Holland etc. The problem was my local dealership couldn’t get the price close to their competition.
Why was I going to spend over £3,000 more for the pleasure of buying locally? They all come from the same factory and had near identical spec. So the test drive worked well because I bought the Celica. But it went wrong for the dealer because he didn’t get my business - except for many years of servicing.
Property Sales: Rent Before You Buy
So it occurred to me how sensible it is for owners to rent their property when resales are very competitive. If they are looking to sell sometime in the future, then this is a strategy I recommend. This is because they can most effectively market to people when they are at their most receptive to buying the lifestyle. When they are relaxed and on holiday.
I would therefore advise those who are not sure about renting to think about it, and think about taking control of the process.
The Bansko Guide To Renting
To help you, I am still in the process of putting a rental guide together which will include an offer to rent on this site and another. All rentals go to you and you develop the relationship with the renter.
For owners that it can be very rewarding when people email you back thanking you for the wonderful holiday they have had. and also useful getting their comments for improvement.
And when you come to sell, then you have a database of potential clients to market to directly and you may find that more and more.
If you are an owner, please be sure to register today to receive the guide. I expect this will prove very popular and will be full of helpful tips on how best to set about renting. If you have any comments on your experience of renting in Bansko, or overseas generally - then do please comment below.
SNOW !!! Lots OF IT
2.25 metres at the top. More due tomorrow.
PS. More snow in Bansko as I type. The next few weeks will be really good on the mountain. Check out accommodation here - email for lowest price on the net.
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